John W. Turner Shff To H.F. Dutton &Co
"Shffs Deed"
State of Florida }
Alachua County } Whereas under and by virtue of an
execution issued out of the Circuit Court in and for
Alachua County Florida and to me directed wherein
James S. Turner was plaintiff and James H. Roper
was defendant I John W. Turner as Sheriff of said
Alachua County Florida have duly levied upon the
property hereinafter described; and under and by virtue
of said execution have duly advertised the said property
for sale on this third day of April AD 1882 according to
law. And whereas on this third day of April AD 1882 I did as
such Sheriff duly sell the said property hereinafter des-
cribed under and by virtue of^said execution at pub-
lic outcry before the Court House door in the town of
Gainesville in Alachua County Florida and whereas at
said sale H.F. Dutton &Co became the purchaser of the
the said property hereinafter described at and for the sum
of Forty ($4000) dollars that being the highest best and
last Sum bid for the same at said sale and they being
the bidder thereof. Now therefore know all men by these
presents that the said John W. Turner as such
Sheriff as aforesaid under by virtue of the said execu-
tion - and under and by virtue of the levy advertisement
and sale thereunder made; and for and in Consideration
of the Sum of Forty ($4000) dollars to me as such Sheriff
cash in hand on this day paid by the said H.F. Dutton &Co
the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have granted
bargained sold transferred aliened and Conveyed and
by these presents do grant bargain sell transfer alien
and convey and confirm unto them the said H.F. Dutton &Co the following
described property to wit: In Section 5 Township 10, South
Range 20 East in Ingram's addition to the town of Gaines-
ville viz Commencing 60 feet north from the Centre of the
A.G. & W.I.T. Rail road track on the East side of
West Main Street and running North on Eastern boun-
dary of said Street 619 feet to a stake thence East
196 feet to a stake thence South 210 feet to a stake
thence East 104 feet to a stake thence South 330 feet
to a Stake 60 feet North of said Rail road thence in
a South Westerly direction parallel with said Rail
Road 307 feet to the place of beginning Containing
3 and 56/100 acres more or less. Together with all and Singular
the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the Same
belonging or in anywise appertaining. To have and to hold
the same unto them the said H.F. Dutton &Co and to
their heirs and assigns forever as fully as I the
[Part SEC5 TWP10 R20]